About Us

My name is Poom Lynn, and I’m the face behind Silly Daisy. It all started with a love of beautiful fabric and a passion for making fun and good quality clothing for my daughter. After getting carried away in beautiful local fabric stores in Portland, OR, I had amassed a large stockpile of fabric that was begging for a purpose; so Silly Daisy was born. When my kids moved on to full-time schooling in October 2017, I finally had the time to develop my enthusiasm for fabric hoarding and sewing into something more. I began selling my children’s apparel and baby accessories on Etsy and at local craft fairs, and later had my products in shops around Portland, OR. ⠀ ⠀
In early 2019, I added my own storefront when I joined a group of local makers and artists in a collective shop called Plural Collective in Sellwood, Portland. It has always been my dream to have my own shop selling things that matter to me: beautiful products from small, environmentally-conscious and ethically-run businesses. Joining Plural team is beyond amazing not only for my business to have a brick and mortar space,but for myself as a maker to be in a creative community who inspires me everyday.
In October 2023, I added another petite boutique at one of my most favorite stores in Portland, Urbanite. You can find cute and functional gifts for tiny humans and fur babies there.
Thanks to you for supporting me and for allowing me to keep doing what I enjoy doing.
I hope you like what you see here. If you have any questions, please reach out.
Poom Lynn